Team of the Project gathered to discuss the results of International Exhibition of Calligraphy

September 30, 2008

Yesterday, 29 September was held the meeting dedicated to results of  St Petersburg  Team of the Project gathered to discuss the results of  International Exhibition of Calligraphy.  Team of the Project gathered to discuss all the pros and cons of their activity. 

Alexey Shaburov  and team of the Project

The meeting was held in elegantly decorated hall according to the idea of author, initiator and director of Team of the Project gathered to discuss the results of  International Exhibition of Calligraphy, Alexey Shaburov. 

Final detail

In the shimmering candle gleam were announced numerous thanks to  the staff of  Project, who did everything in their power in order the exhibition to be perfectly organized and stayed in  memory of St Petersburg citizens for ever.

Gleam of writing

Mr. Shaburov who held the meeting noticed precise and harmonious work of every structure of MVK, different in their activity but forming a real Team. 

Lyudmila Kulanina, Alexey Shaburov, Olga Kulanina

Besides, at the meeting were discussed  future exhibition territories of International Exhibition of Calligraphy and underlined main trends in the team’s activity for near and distant future.

Team of the project

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Source: International Exhibition of Calligraphy