ElitePen.ru — portal dedicated to the culture of writing

October 07, 2010

ImageA script word becomes even more significant in the era of computers and telephones. A human character is seen through a handwritten text which conveys true human emotions. Writing utensils are one of the topics covered by the International Exhibition of Calligraphy.

We get used to the items around us and stop noticing them taking them for something usual. But if one tries to imagine his life without those routine items he will immediately realize their true value.

Pen is the key writing utensil in the contemporary world. The choice of a writing utensil indicates the social position of a person and reflects his character. That is why businessmen are so attentive to their pens.

The information portal ElitePen.ru dedicated to the culture of writing and writing utensils rendered support to the International Exhibition of Calligraphy and acted as the Project friend. The web-site contains the information about various writing utensils, new collections, brands and designers. Topical news, unique articles and reviews, exclusive interviews with such famous people as Ekaterina Strizhenova, Vladimir Pozner, Nikolai Fomenko and others.

Source:  International Exhibition of Calligraphy